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Those Who Marched

When: April 5, 2017 7:00 PM
Where: Cleveland, OH
Contact: Jackie Reed at
Summary: Remembering the African American and Jewish Impact on Civil Rights

Event Details


Please Join Us for Those Who Marched: Remembering the African American and Jewish Impact on Civil Rights

The historic relationship between the African American and Jewish communities during the Civil rights movement is memorialized by those who lived it. Join us for a moderated panel featuring Rev. Dr Otis Moss Jr, Diane Leatherberry and others in a celebration of the victories and a challenge for the future.


REVEREND DR. OTIS MOSS JR. Theologian, pastor and civic leader, the Reverend Dr. Otis Moss, Jr. is one of America’s most influential leaders. He has been the eminent spiritual leader of the Olivet Institutional Baptist Church from 1975 until his retirement in 2008. Reverend Moss is well known for his lifelong commitment to the civil rights movement. A close friend of Martin Luther King Jr., Reverend Moss participated in the Selma, Alabama civil rights march. Over fifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. officiated at the wedding of Reverend Moss and his then fiancé Edwina. He is the 2016 recipient of the Charles Eisenman Award, the Federation's highest civic honor.

DIANE PHILLIPS-LEATHERBERRY, a member of Fairmount Temple and the Maltz Museum, is a long-time activist who was on the staff of the Kerner Commission and marched at Selma.

DANIEL CLANCY was an FBI agent who was assigned to the Selma march and the investigation of the murder of Civil Rights worker Viola Liuzzo. He spent many years as an administrator at Case Western Reserve University in both the law school and the central administration.

JONATHAN ENTIN is the David L. Brennan Professor Emeritus of Law and Political Science at Case Western Reserve University. He teaches and writes about Constitutional Law and Civil Rights, including the Selma March.

Coffee and dessert
(kosher dietary laws observed)



Jewish Federation of Cleveland, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Building

25701 Science Park Dr.

Cleveland, OH 44241


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