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Top Takeaways for Advising Your Clients Under 45: Estate Planning, Tax and Insurance

When: April 30, 2019 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM
Where: Cleveland, OH
Contact: Matt Kaliff at
Cost: $20.00
Summary: Early and mid-career individuals are in their prime for acquiring assets and obligations.

Event Details


Early and mid-career individuals are in their prime for acquiring assets and obligations. For many it is the first time they are experiencing growing income, business ownership, marriage, home ownership and children. What are the key questions and planning points to consider when advising this demographic?

Please join us for a panel discussion featuring:

- Elizabeth Perla, Esq., The Perla Law Firm
- David J. Silverman, CPA, JD, Skoda Minotti
- Jeffrey M. Wasserman, Oswald Companies
- Zach Abrams, CFP, Capital Advisors (moderator)

11:45 am Registration
12:00 pm Program

CLE/CE credits requested for law, CPA, and CFP.
1.0 hours of CLE/CE credits requested from the Supreme Court of Ohio and the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards.
The Federation is registered with the Accountancy Board of Ohio.

Paid parking is available at Oswald Centre garage (Superior Avenue or Walnut Avenue) and Huntington Parking Garage (Walnut Avenue).

Lunch will be provided.
Kosher dietary laws observed

Cost: $20/person

Pre-registration is now closed, for more information please email Matt Newman at


The Oswald Conference Center, Oswald Companies

1100 Superior Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44114


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